Hi friends,
I was talking with some friends this weekend and we were just amazed at what a land of contrasts India is in almost every way imaginable. Depending on the angle of your view, you can see tall, glass and steel buildings that would rival any city on earth or you can look lower and see complete chaos that starts with the construction cities that spring up wherever construction is going on. I am willing to bet that your local shopping mall doesn't have cows strolling along the walkways like I saw here in this picture. It is so incongruous at first that you have a hard time processing it and then you realize that much of what you see is like this and that is part of what makes India such an interesting place. As the title of this blog indicates, India seems to have difficulty finishing anything well.
There is a new building in downtown Delhi that was the landmark building for Delhi, the new tallest building in town and what should be a showcase of India's new accomplishments and technology. However, just as the got it finished and moved in, a huge rainstorm typical of the monsoon season here came to town. There were pictures in the paper and on the news of the beautiful structure with it's basement full of water and showing light fixtures in the upper floors that looked more like sprinklers as the water poured into the building. I think I have mentioned before that my bathrooms at my apartment look like they were finished by a 4th grader with a new clay set. Electrical outlets constantly burn out and windows leak water and hot air and noise. Looking down from my apartment, within a few hundred meters you can see where a completely different economy exists. I see poor mothers with 3 or 4 small children working on a street corner and while they work, carrying extremely heavy loads on their heads in 45+ (110+f) temps, their kids are self entertained in the dirt and filthy water along the side of the roads. Many of the kids are naked and are knee-deep in water that I cannot imagine would be good for you in any way, shape or form. As I look for signs of residential abodes, I see canvas tentlike structures, corrugated metal scraps and houses that defy description simply because they are constructed imaginatively out of whatever materials are available including cardboard, plastic bags, large pipes that have not yet been buried by the city departments, sticks, branches, tarps, and any combination of the above. Rocks sometimes serve to hold the roof on because any wind will otherwise blow it away. Within sight of this are homes and buildings that are beautiful, modern, air-conditioned and full of the educated and quickly growing middle and upper-middle class in India. A beautiful 700 series BMW or large Mercedes will mix it up in traffic with small cars, motorized rickshaws (tuk-tuks), bicycle rick-shaws, bicycles, donkeys, tractors, carts pulled by horses, huge diesel busses, motorcycles, little scooters being driven by people who are commuting to jobs with their business clothes on but faces completely covered with a shawl or scarf to block out the terrible dust and smog that pollutes the air. In addition, there will be the occasional herds of sheep and goats and cattle pop up everywhere, feeling completely safe because the cows are sacred in the Hindu religion. All of these are sharing the same space. When you include the fact that drivers of various experience are all over the roads, it gets interesting. Something about the stripes on the highways seem to hypnotize the local drivers to the extent that there are numerous signs reminding the drivers that "Lane driving is Sane driving" because many is the car I have seen cruising down the toll road or other busy highway just splitting the car right down the middle with the lane stripes. When you honk or try to get them to move over it doesn't even seem to penetrate their consciousness. Size means everything so the bus drivers do whatever they want, followed by the larger vehicles like trucks and SUV's while the very small cars and tuk-tuks are left to take whatever is left over. Also, to my surprise, if a driver misses his turn or deems it too far to drive to the next cut out in the highway divider, he will just turn and put his lights on high and drive the wrong direction on your side of the road. Passing on two lane roads is a cross between chicken and dodge-em. The big guy always wins and if the passer misjudges the other vehicle just has to get off the road temporarily until the vehicles pass. When you pull up to an intersection or come onto a major road from a side road, there is no yielding or waiting for a break in the traffic because there is so much traffic the break will never come, so the vehicles coming in from the side just pull out and expect the vehicles on the main road to slow down and allow the other vehicles to enter. So, while we are sometimes in a smaller car, we pull out in front of busses, trucks as well as motorcycles and tuk-tuks almost without discretion. If any of these situations makes you queasy, and riding like this gives you pause for thought, don't come to India. It is truly an everday occurence here.
Many road and other construction projects have been started with the idea that they will be finished by the time the Commonwealth Games are played here in October of this year. I have little faith in the idea that these timings are going to work out. The new Metro transportation system, which is a fancy, elevated train, has already opened but many of the stations are not completed nor are they anywhere near completion. You can see the trains going in one side and coming out the other of a building that looks like it is months away from being done. Glass is not even installed, the floors of the multi-level buildings are empty and you wonder as you see the open stairways how people manage to climb up to the trains without falling many stories down to the street. The whole mall in the picture above would be immediately shut down by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration for those of you not from the USA). Here, if your child falls in a large, open hole and is injured, you should have been watching your kid, plus, you have many more kids. It's all just a totally different world.
I am enjoying the differences and watching to see how the schedule works out for the games.
We are busy doing charters. I flew every day last week and now the phone just rang and we are off on another charter tomorrow to Ahmadabad. I am getting to see lots of India and some other places, too. Keeps life very interesting and exciting.
Keep in touch. I miss you guys.