Happy New Year!!
I know I am early but since everything happens late in India by the time you get this it will probably be New Years.
I went back and looked at my log book to see what this year has been like. I always do this and my family used to think I was too wrapped up in my logbook but it's like a diary for me and I can go back and sort of relive my flying year while comparing it to the years before. The interesting thing about this year has been, of course, my tour to New Delhi, India. When I left Pittsburgh and came over here since Pittsburgh was kind of slow at the time I left I didn't fly for the last 3 weeks or so that I was there and adding that to my taking lots of time to actually get approved for flying over here, I was 50 days between flights back in June and July. But, that wasn't my longest period inactivity, as I just went back to flying after a 52 day hiatus. Most of this was because the DGCA got kind of mad at us and decided to enforce a rule that had been on the books but was generally ignored regarding use of contract pilots. When my regular copilot went for gallbladder surgery that effectively grounded the airplane for 6 weeks. Now, I have another young copilot who just got approved to fly with me in the XLS and we completed our first flight on Sunday evening. We still have some work to do with the DGCA because they approved a weight and balance sheet that cannot be completed due to no moment table for the fuel. I use the one from the AFM (aircraft flight manual) but some of our people don't think that it's legal since it hasn't been officially approved. I think they are reasonable people and would see that what we are doing is correct.
Anyway, to celebrate the new year and to celebrate that I am back flying again after almost two months, I decided one last photo of the winter uniform (monkey suit) in the plane was my little celebration. My favorite flying uniform that I have seen anywhere is the guys flying the little charter planes to the outer islands in the Caribbean and they are usually wearing shorts and a T-shirt along with their flip-flops. Of course, they are usually without any functioning air-conditioning and that is sort of survival gear down there.
I am loving the weather this time of year. It gets a little cool by morning but the days are lovely and just warm enough to make you realize it's going to be a long, hot summer in just a few weeks.
Today I am dressing in my church suit for the first time since I came to Delhi. The occasion is the wedding of one of our young people from the Delhi SDA church. I cannot really pronounce their names correctly but we talk and smile and wave in the church every week and they handed me a personal invitation so I told them if I was in town that I would try to go. So today Miss Somiwon Hungyo and Dr. Deepak Ditiya are taking the plunge into Holy Matrimony. It's at the church so I have seen the venue, I am just glad that I can go and be supportive, plus I get to see what this wedding party will be like. Fun! (And I know some of you guys probably think I am crazy). When you are alone on the other side of the planet it doesn't take much to provide the day's entertainment, let me tell you. But, this should be a good party and so here we go.
Today marks the actual day of being exactly one month until I fly home to America to visit the kids, see my new granddaughter when she comes into the world, and best of all, to get Karen and bring her back to India with me. Adventure never stops when you live like this.
Thanks again for all your comments, support and care for me during this last 6 months of being alone in India. I do have too much time to be on the computer since that is my social contact with the world. When Karen comes that will be replaced with person to person social contact and that will be a big improvement. But, it has been nice to be able to keep in touch with so many of you. I hope to still be able to blog or write once in awhile and to keep the pictures coming so that you can visualize that India is a real place with real people and lots going on.
Now go out and make it a great year in 2010. My close of the year admonition is a song I used to lead as a Youth Pastor in California that takes it's words directly from the Old Testament Prophet Micah (6:8): He has showed you, O Man, what is good, but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Simply profound!!