Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Working Out

The last couple of times I was in the gym, when they saw me come in they switched to American Music for the time that I was in there. It was fun because I was working out to 'N Sync, which always reminds me of my daughter, since she was a huge fan when they first came out. Then, they put on the theme music from "Top Gun" and the "Breathless" song, just as I was feeling that way on the treadmill. I guess Tom Cruise's idea of Breathless was a little different from mind, riding the treadmill on an uphill grade at a pretty good pace. Then, it switched to the theme music from "Titanic" which Celine Deon does so well. Again, it brought back a flood of memories while I was passing the time.
The gym manager keeps asking me to take his picture and print it out since he doesn't have internet. I have become a full time photographer for him.

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny! I remember we got the same treatment when I went on that Indonesia trip ... our cab drivers would put on this lame boy band music that only WISHES it were as cool as the 'NSync stuff I tortured you with back in the day! haha. Glad to hear you're sweating it out to some familiar tunes. I was telling Keith the other day about how Brad and I were brought up on Top Gun and we decided that we'd have to rent it so I could reminisce sometime soon. :-)
